What game universe does Apex Legends occur in? Apex Legends is set in the same universe as Respawn Entertainment's previous titles, Titanfall and Titanfall 2. Here's how the three games are related.
Apex Legends takes place around 30 years after the close of Titanfall 2. Little details betray this fact: the R-99 submachine gun, for example, is an improved version of the R-97 from the two previous games.
Apex Legends is set in a new area of the universe called the Outlands. The Outlands are a somewhat lawless territory, which allows for the resurgence of the bloodsport of the Apex Games.
Most of the story of Titanfall 1 and 2 has no impact on Apex Legends, but with Forge's unveiling as the next playable Legend, that may start to change. Forge is sponsored by Hammond Robotics, a prominent weapons manufacturer in Titanfall. That companies appearance may indicate further encroachment from Titanfall's story in the future.
"Occur" - Google News
January 26, 2020 at 04:14AM
What Game Universe Does Apex Legends Occur In? - DBLTAP
"Occur" - Google News
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