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Selasa, 31 Maret 2020

Lockdown India Sebabkan Kekacauan, Apa yang Terjadi? -

Lockdown total di India menyebabkan eksodus ribuan pekerja imigran, ancaman kelaparan massal, kekerasan, dan kematian. - Perdana Menteri India Narendra Modi, menerapkan kebijakan lockdown untuk menangani pandemi Corona COVID-19, mulai Selasa pekan lalu, 24 Maret 2020. Aturan itu membuat pemerintah negara-negara bagian langsung menutup perbatasan. Banyak transportasi umum berhenti beroperasi, sementara di jalan-jalan aparat bersiaga dan sigap menghentikan kendaraan pribadi.

Di India, COVID-19 tercatat mencapai 1024 kasus dengan 27 kematian sampai kemarin lusa.

Tak sampai seminggu setelah diterapkan, kebijakan lockdown menyebabkan kerusuhan luar biasa. Dua kasus paling mencolok adalah kelaparan massal dan kematian orang-orang kota yang mencoba pulang kampung.

#ModiMadeDisaster bahkan sempat jadi trending topic di Twitter pada Minggu 29 Maret kemarin.

Politikus oposisi Rahul Gandhi lantas melontarkan kritik pedas. Ia menilai kerusuhan terjadi--yang sebagian besar korbannya adalah warga miskin--karena Modi tidak memikirkan lockdown masak-masak.

“Ini sangat memalukan. Kita telah membiarkan warga India diperlakukan begini. Pemerintah tidak punya rencana darurat untuk eksodus ini,” kata Gandhi di Twitter, sambil mengunggah video ribuan pekerja berjalan kaki pulang ke kampung.

Sundaraman dari Gerakan Kesehatan Masyarakat juga mengecam keputusan lockdown, yang menurutnya terlalu tiba-tiba. Ia mengatakan kepanikan akan lockdown lebih mengerikan ketimbang kepanikan karena COVID-19 sendiri.

“Kalian (pemerintah) tidak bisa menyetop transportasi publik seperti itu. Lockdown harusnya dilakukan bertahap. Masyarakat tidak boleh ditelantarkan tanpa pendapatan, tanpa pekerjaan. Bahkan di negara otoriter, mereka akan tahu bahwa ini adalah kewajiban negara,” kata Sundarman kepada Aljazeera.

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Kritik juga disampaikan politikus Dipankar Bhattacharya dalam opininya di National Herald. Menurutnya kebijakan lockdown Modi minim perencanaan. Pemerintah juga tak punya rencana jelas tentang apa yang mesti didahulukan dan apa yang tidak.

“Pemerintah menghabiskan 20 ribu lakh rupe untuk merenovasi gedung parlemen dan pusat pemandangan, delapan ribu lakh rupe untuk membeli senapan senjata ringan, dan hanya 15 ribu lakh rupe untuk infrastruktur kesehatan,” tulis Bhattacharya.

Pemerintahan Modi juga dianggap lamban dalam menghadapi penyebaran COVID-19. Satu contoh kecil: tak ada pemantauan atau karantina penumpang yang datang dari negara-negara terinfeksi sampai awal Maret ini. Bahkan, “kita semua tahu, pada akhir Februari kemarin India sibuk dengan kunjungan [Presiden AS Donald] Trump.”

Lockdown itu mungkin penting, tapi cara pemerintah yang mengumumkannya tanpa waktu telah menyebabkan kepanikan massal,” tambahnya.

Selepas Modi mengumumkan lockdown ketat selama 21 hari untuk mengunci 80 kota dan distrik, ratusan ribu orang di kota-kota besar memutuskan pulang kampung. Ini terjadi karena semua bisnis di luar pangan, farmasi, serta layanan komunikasi dan finansial terpaksa tutup. Padahal, lebih dari 90 persen tenaga kerja di India bekerja di sektor informal: dari mulai wiraswasta seperti pedagang kaki lima hingga buruh harian lepas yang tak mengenal jaminan sosial dan cuti berbayar.

Bahkan hampir 40 persen pekerja di kota-kota India buta huruf, dan kebanyakan tak punya dokumen resmi.

Salah satu yang memutuskan pulang kampung adalah Parma Bandhari, buruh asal Pune, India bagian barat. Ia dan 60 orang lain sudah memesan tiket bus reyot setara Rp34 jutaan untuk mengantarkan mereka ke kampung di daerah perbukitan Mangalsen, Nepal. Sayangnya, sehari sebelum berangkat, perbatasan ditutup.

Kini ia terjebak di India, padahal sudah berjanji akan menghadapi virus COVID-19 bersama keluarga, apa pun yang terjadi.

“Sekarang sudah tak ada jalan pulang. Apa pun itu, kami harus menghadapinya di sini,” kata Padam Bandhari (32), buruh migran, teman sekampung dan teman sekamar Parma Bandhari di Pune kepada Aljazeera.

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Tak semuanya menyerah seperti dua Bandhari. Ribuan migran dikabarkan tetap berusaha pulang dengan berbagai cara, yang tak jarang berujung duka. Ranveer Singh (39), petugas antar makanan di sebuah restoran di Tughlakabad, New Delhi, misalnya, tewas setelah kelelahan berjalan 200 kilometer saat pulang ke kampung Badra, Madhya Padresh, untuk bertemu istri dan tiga anaknya.

“Kami adalah petani miskin, tak tahu cara menghidupi anak-anak tanpa nafkah dari bapak mereka,” kata Sonu Singh, adik Ranveer, saat dihubungi Times of India.

Tak hanya Ranveer, sejumlah media lokal mengabarkan kematian lain akibat lockdown: kakek 62 tahun meninggal setelah berjalan delapan kilometer karena tak menemukan angkutan, empat migran tewas ditabrak truk saat berjalan pulang ke kampung halaman, sampai kakek 60 tahun yang kena serangan jantung tewas karena ambulansnya tak boleh melewati perbatasan daerah yang sedang lockdown.

Polisi Brutal dan Ancaman Krisis Pangan

Masalah lain akibat kebijakan lockdown dadakan itu datang dari polisi. Di Twitter, tersebar video polisi New Delhi memukuli penjual susu di tokonya. Satu orang di Benggala Barat bahkan dikabarkan meninggal karena dipukuli polisi yang menjadikan lockdown sebagai alasan melakukan kekerasan.

Reetika Khera, dosen di Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, mengklaim pidato Modi jadi pemicu kepanikan masal di kalangan migran.

“Sekarang, polisi adalah masalah terbesar. Mereka menyalahgunakan aturan pemerintah. Polisi malah jadi pelanggar [aturan] terbesar. Saya tak yakin dengan strategi komunikasi pemerintah,” kata Khera.

Kebrutalan polisi ini juga telah memicu keresahan warga. Video polisi dan aparat yang memukuli penduduk karena tidak mematuhi imbauan untuk berada di rumah jadi sumber kemarahan warga Goa, yang suplai pangannya menipis.

“Sistem pengiriman dari pemerintah bergantung kepada relawan. Namun, mereka yang kebagian jatah hanya yang mendapat rekomendasi. Ini menyulitkan kami jika ada kebutuhan yang mendesak. Pemerintah sudah memberi nomor telepon darurat untuk kami jika membutuhkan pasokan, tetapi mereka juga tidak bekerja baik. Ini kacau,” kata Sapna Shahani, salah seorang warga Goa.

Lockdown ini juga menyebabkan penutupan layanan kesehatan. Leena Megahney, ahli hukum khusus kesehatan publik, mengklaim orang-orang dengan penyakit tertentu kini terlantar tanpa perawatan kesehatan.

“Saya tahu sejumlah orang dengan HIV (ODHA) yang terlantar. Sama seperti beberapa pasien kanker yang kepayahan mencari layanan kesehatan dasar. Ini harus segera diatasi karena salah satu dampak paling buruk dari COVID-19 adalah orang-orang dengan penyakit ini yang akan jadi tumbalnya,” tambahnya.

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Atas semua yang terjadi, Perdana Menteri Narendra Modi akhirnya meminta maaf ke publik, Minggu, 29 Maret kemarin. Ia menyadari kalau keputusan lockdown yang dibikinnya demi melawan pandemi telah berdampak buruk.

“Saya memohon maaf karena mengambil langkah-langkah ini sehingga menyebabkan kesulitan hidup Anda, terutama para warga miskin. Aku tahu beberapa dari kalian marah kepada saya, tapi ini keputusan sulit untuk memenangi perang [melawan COVID-19],” kata Modi dalam pidato yang disiarkan radio pemerintah.

Masyarakat miskin “pasti akan berpikir perdana menteri seperti apa, yang telah menempatkan kita dalam banyak masalah begini,” tambah Modi, yang berharap masyarakat dapat memahami keputusannya.

Namun, ia juga mengeluarkan pernyataan defensif yang bilang, “langkah-langkah yang diambil sejauh ini akan memberikan kemenangan pada India dalam melawan Corona.”

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April 01, 2020 at 08:03AM

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Most Coronavirus Deaths in US Projected to Occur in Next Few Weeks - Voice of America

WHITE HOUSE - The United States should be prepared to endure 100,000 to 240,000 deaths from the #COVID-19 coronavirus over the next two months even if Americans continue to keep their distance from each other. 

The peak number of deaths will come over the next two to three weeks, according to the White House coronavirus task force.  

“Our country is in the midst of a great national trial unlike any we have faced before,” said U.S. President Donald Trump as the White House on Tuesday formally introduced its extended 30-day social-distancing guidelines based on statistical models.  

“This is going to be one of the roughest two or three weeks we’ve ever had in our country,” Trump predicted.  

For the most part, the two physicians on the podium with the president and Vice President Mike Pence administered the bitter medicine to the American public.  

“This is a number we need to anticipate, but we don’t necessarily have to accept it as inevitable,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, of the anticipated 100,000-plus fatalities.  

Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, gestures to a chart as President Donald Trump listens as they speak about the coronavirus in the White House, March 31, 2020, in Washington.

“There’s no magic bullet,” said Dr. Deborah Birx, an immunologist who is the response coordinator on the White House’s coronavirus task force. “There’s no magic vaccine or therapy,” just behaviors that can change the course of this viral pandemic.  

More than 187,000 people in the United States have been diagnosed with the coronavirus. Total deaths in the country from the disease has exceeded 3,800 (about one-fourth of those in New York City) eclipsing the reported number in China and in excess of the number of lives lost initially in the terrorist attacks on the United States on Sept. 11, 2001.  

The first COVID-19 case in the U.S. was reported in the Western state of Washington on Feb. 29. 

In this March 27, 2020, photo provided by Office of Governor, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, right, walks the corridor of a nearly completed makeshift hospital erected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at the Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York.

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, said the apex of his state’s battle against the disease is still 7 to 21 days out. During his daily briefing for the media, which aired live, for the most part, by the country’s three top cable TV news channels, Cuomo continued to express frustration with securing critical supplies for hospital intensive care units. He announced New York has put in an order from China for 17,000 ventilators at a cost of $25,000 each.  

Cuomo said states and the federal government are all in competition to secure the breathing machines.  

“It’s like being on eBay (an online auction site) with 50 other states bidding on a ventilator,” the governor said. “That’s literally what we’re doing.” 

Forcing states to compete for critically needed supplies, “doesn’t make sense,” Cuomo added.  

About 10,000 ventilators in the federal government’s inventory need to be held back for an anticipated surge in different parts of the country, Trump said.  

“We have a reserve right now. It’s like oil reserves, but more valuable,” the president explained.  

The chairman of the National Governors’ Association, Larry Hogan of Maryland, told CNN on Tuesday that his counterparts are pushing the federal government to coordinate purchases of scarce items for medical facilities so that states are not competing against each other.  

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, center, walks the practice courts with officials at the USTA Indoor Training Center where a 350-bed temporary hospital will be built March 31, 2020, in New York.

Hours later, the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio said he needs an answer “right now” on a request that had been made to the White House for relief medical staff, including 1,000 nurses, 300 respiratory therapists and 150 physicians.   

In the afternoon, before the briefing, Trump spoke on the phone with nine executives of top network service providers to thank the companies “for their tireless work to keep Americans connected during this time of social distancing,” said White House spokesman, Judd Deere. “The president thanked these leaders for not only rising to the increased demand but extending services to all Americans at no additional cost and for waiving bills and late fees for those experiencing financial hardship.”  

In recent days, the president has adopted a more somber tone about the overall human toll that is going to be caused by the coronavirus in the country. Earlier he had brushed off the disease as nothing worse than the annual waves of influenza and stated, “the cure can’t be worse than the disease,” suggesting he would relax now-extended restrictions so the economy would not be more severely crippled. 

The president has now pivoted from leaning toward the advice of some on his economic team who advocated loosening the social distancing restrictions to the public health officials – and members of his reelection team – with dire warnings.  

Trump this week began publicly warning of the worst-case scenario of more than 2 million Americans dying of the virus if people returned to work and school prematurely. 

On Tuesday, Trump also suggested a fourth phase spending bill by Congress that would total $2.2 trillion (a similar price tag that was on the third phase), but this legislation, he said, would focus solely on jobs and rebuilding the country’s infrastructure.  

“We have a strong dollar. People want to invest in the United States” so “this would be a great time to borrow money at a zero interest rate” to fund fixing roads, highways, tunnels and bridges, Trump said. 

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Are Freezing Temperatures Over? When the Last Freeze of the Season Typically Occurs - The Weather Channel

Based on 1981-2010 averages.

  • The date of the average last freeze of the season is highly variable across the U.S.
  • Areas near the Canadian border and in the Mountain West typically have their last freeze the latest.
  • In parts of the South, this often occurs before the end of March.

Although many may be looking forward to prolonged warmth when spring arrives, the average date of the last freeze varies greatly across the United States.

The last freeze of the season is used not only by gardeners, but also by anyone looking to finally pack away their winter coat for the season.

The map above illustrates when the last freeze of the season typically occurs, based on averages from 1981-2010 . Keep in mind that the last freeze can vary greatly from year to year depending on the country's weather pattern during the spring months.

Much of the South usually has its last freeze of the season before the end of March, while the higher elevations of the West may not see the last 32-degree temperature until late May or even June.

This year, most of the East and South have had well above-average temperatures in March, and many locations will likely end up with a top-five-warmest March, according to data from the Southeast Regional Climate Center. This trend of warmer temperatures in the South and East with cooler-than-average temperatures in the North and West will likely continue into April. This suggests that many areas of the Lower 48 may not have a late last freeze, but a spring cold blast can occur even in an overall warm spring.

(MORE: April Temperature Outlook)

Let's dig deeper into when specific regions and cities can expect the season's average final freeze.

Before March 10

Cities along the Gulf Coast and in the Deep South have their average last freeze before March 10. This can occur much earlier or much later depending on the weather conditions each year.

Since 1950, Miami has only recorded five winter seasons with a freeze: 1976-77, 1979-80, 1980-81, 1984-85 and 1989-90.

The map at the top of this article also shows an area in the Desert Southwest and Southern California that has its average last freeze before March 10. This includes Los Angeles and San Diego, but these cities don't typically have freezing temperatures.

Since 1950, San Diego has only dropped to 32 degrees or colder one time (Jan. 13, 1963) at Lindbergh Field. Los Angeles International Airport dropped to the freezing mark or colder the same date as San Diego and also on Dec. 21, 1968.

March 10-30

A large part of the South, along with parts of the Interstate 95 corridor, Desert Southwest and West Coast, typically experience their last freeze between March 10 and March 30.

Chilly spring conditions have pushed the last freeze of the season to as late as April or even early May. Atlanta has experienced its last freeze of the season as late as April. However, freezing temperatures in late April last occured in 1986.

March 30-April 10

A broad area from southern New Mexico to the Northeast urban heat islands typically experiences its last freeze of the season in late March or early April.

It is interesting to note Boston's latest last freeze is earlier than Raleigh, North Carolina's, by a week and a half, likely due to Boston's proximity to the relatively warmer Atlantic Ocean.

(MORE: Urban Heat Islands: Why Cities are Warmer than Rural Areas)

April 10-30

Many cities from the Plains and Midwest to the East Coast have their average last freeze in mid to late April in an average year.

If you live in any of these cities, despite your average final freeze in mid- to late April, it may be best to wait until closer to Memorial Day to plant your garden. In Chicago, the last freeze occurred as late as May 25 in 1992, which was Memorial Day that year.

(MORE: 10-Day Forecast High/Low Temperatures)

April 30-May 20

Average last freeze dates in early to mid-May are basically confined to the nation's northern tier and Mountain West.

Despite these cities having their last freeze in early to mid-May in an average year, sometimes it doesn't occur until around or after the summer solstice (June 20 this year), such as in Fargo, North Dakota; Concord, New Hampshire; and Reno, Nevada.

After May 20

Any freezes after May 20 typically occur in areas near the Canadian border or in the highest elevations of the Rocky Mountains.

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Mirip Flu Spanyol, Ini Kesalahan yang Sama Terjadi pada Virus Corona -, Jakarta Seluruh dunia kini tengah merasakan kekuatan Covid-19 yang disebabkan oleh virus Sars-CoV-2, atau kita lebih mengenalnya dengan virus corona. Melihat virus ini merupakan mutasi dari virus-virus sebelumnya, kita semestinya bisa belajar dari wabah-wabah sebelumnya sehingga bisa menekan jumlah kasus dan kematian.

Seperti pandemi Flu Spanyol yang terus menjadi perbincangan banyak ahli, bukan hanya di dalam ataupun di luar negeri. Penyebaran yang sangat cepat dan membunuh semua orang tanpa pandang bulu. Remaja, orangtua, anak-anak, orang sakit ataupun sehat, semuanya terinfeksi, dan 10% pasien meninggal karenanya.

Jumlah kematian akibat virus ini di setiap negara bervariasi, namun diperkirakan telah menginfeksi sepertiga populasi dunia dan menewaskan sedikitnya 50 juta orang, sehingga menjadikannya pandemi paling mematikan sepanjang sejarah.

Stereotip Rasial yang Sama

Meskipun pada saat itu mendapat julukan flu Spanyol, bukan berarti virus tersebut berasal dari Spanyol. Hanya saja, pada saat itu Spanyol merupakan negara pertama yang mengumumkan adanya virus ini.

Menurut peneliti, virus itu muncul selama masa perang, tepatnya akhir bulan perang dunia I dan Spanyol merupakan negara netral yang tidak memberlakukan sensor ketat terhadap persnya, sehingga wartawan dapat dengan bebas menerbitkan laporan awal penyakit tersebut.

Namun akibatnya orang-orang salah kaprah bahwa itu penyakit yang berasal dari Spanyol, sehingga julukan flu Spanyol terus melekat, dilansir dari Livescience.

Pada saat itu, sejarawan yakin penyebaran virus terjadi akibat konflik perang, seperti misalnya para tentara yang kelaparan, kotor, dan dibiarkan hingga sakit. Itu menyebabkan sistem imun melemah akibat kekurangan nutrisi.

"Penyakit tersebut yang kemudian disebut "la grippe", lalu menyebar ke sekitarnya. Namun saat itu, dalam waktu 3 hari beberapa tentara yang sakit, mulai sembuh, dan tapi tidak semuanya terinfeksi," tulis para ahli kala itu.

Analisis lain muncul, ketika musim panas tahun 1918, saat para tentara kembali pulang ke rumah masing-masing, mereka disebut membawa virus tak terdeteksi yang membuat mereka sakit. Hingga akhirnya virus menyebar dari rumah, ke desa, antar kota, dan terus menyebar. Kebanyakan dari mereka yang terinfeksi tidak bisa pulih. Dan virusnya menyerang remaja usia 20-30-an yang sehat.

Pada tahun 2014, muncul teori baru yang menyatakan virus tersebut berasal dari China, lapor National Geographic. Kala itu, peneliti menelusuri para buruh China tahun 1917 dan 1918 yang pergi ke Kanada, Prancis, dan sebagainya untuk menggali parit, menurunkan kereta, meletakkan rel, membuat jalan dan memperbaiki tangki yang rusak. 

"Para pekerja itu kebanyakan adalah pekerja pertanian dari daerah-daerah terpencil di pedesaan Cina," menurut buku Mark Humphries "The Last Plague" ( University of Toronto Press, 2013). 

Humphries mencatat, pada 1918, ada 25.000 pekerja Tiongkok yang berada di Kanada, dan sekitar 3.000 orang diantaranya dikarantina. Pada saat itu muncullah stereotip rasial (persepsi rasis) yang menyebutkan bahwa penyakit ini muncul akibat "Chinese laziness". Dan saat itu, dokter Kanada tidak menganggap serius gejalanya. Hingga saat mereka tiba di Prancis utara pada awal 1918, semakin banyak orang yang sakit, dan ratusan lainnya sekarat.

**Ayo berdonasi untuk perlengkapan medis tenaga kesehatan melawan Virus Corona COVID-19 dengan klik tautan ini.

2 dari 3 halaman

Gejala yang Mirip

Gejala awal Flu Spanyol bisa dikatakan mirip dengan corona, yakni sakit kepala dan kelelahan, diikuti batuk kering, kehilangan nafsu makan, masalah perut dan pada hari kedua berkeringat berlebihan.

Selanjutnya penyakit tersebut mempengaruhi organ pernapasan dan bisa berkembang menjadi pneumonia atau komplikasi pernapasan lainnya akibat flu, yang menjadi penyebab utama kematian. Inilah mengapa sulit menentukan jumlah pasti korban yang terbunuh akibat flu, karena penyebab kematian yang terdaftar seringkali sudah memiliki komplikasi.

Penyebaran virus ini terjadi sangat cepat menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Pada Agustus 1918, 6 pelaut Kanada di sungai St.Lawrence meninggal dan muncul kasus di antara tentara Swedia yang menyebar ke populasi sipil dan pekerja Afrika Selatan di bulan yang sama. Pada bulan September, penyakit ini memasuki Amerika Serikat melalui pelabuhan Boston.

Situasi dan Kondisi yang Mirip

Saat itu, dokter juga masih belum tahu harus merekomendasikan pengobatan apa kepada pasien dan masyarakat. Beberapa dokter bahkan hanya memberikan anjuran untuk menghindari tempat ramai, serta memperbanyak konsumsi kayu manis, minum anggur dan kaldu sapi.

Dokter juga menyarankan agar setiap orang menutup mulut dan hidung mereka di tempat umum. Hingga pelarangan penggunaan aspirin karena dianggap penyebab pandemi, padahal saat itu sebenarnya bisa membantu mereka yang terinfeksi.

Pada Juni 1918, muncul berita gejala Flu Spanyol di koran-koran Inggris, namun sebenarnya itu untuk iklan Formamints, tablet yang dibuat dan dijual oleh perusahaan vitamin. Bahkan disaat banyak orang sekarat, ada orang yang menghasilkan uang dari iklan "obat" palsu. Iklan tersebut menyatakan kalau permen merupakan cara terbaik untuk mencegah proses infeksi dan menganjurkan menghisap 4-5 tablet sehari sampai merasa baikan.

Sedangkan orang Amerika disarankan untuk tidak berjabat tangan dengan orang lain, tetap tinggal di dalam rumah, tidak menyentuh buku-buku perpustakaan dan memakai masker. Sekolah dan teater ditutup, dan Departemen Kesehatan New York City menegakkan amandemen Sanitary Code yang membuat aturan meludah di jalanan adalah ilegal, menurut tinjauan yang diterbitkan di jurnal Public Health Reports.

Ironisnya, Perang Dunia I mengakibatkan kekurangan dokter di beberapa daerah, dan banyak dokter yang sakit sendiri. Sekolah dan bangunan lain pun akhirnya menjadi rumah sakit darurat, dan mahasiswa kedokteran harus menggantikan dokter dalam beberapa kasus.

3 dari 3 halaman

Sikap Acuh Tak Acuh yang Sama

Dari sejarah tersebut, kita harusnya sepakat untuk "mengatakan yang sejujurnya" untuk membangun rencana kesiapsiagaan pandemi bagi setiap negara bagian dan teritori, tulis Nytimes.

Pada 1918, demi mempertahankan moral di masa perang, baik pejabat pemerintah nasional maupun lokal tidak mengungkapkan keadaan yang sebenarnya.

Para pemimpin selalu mengatakan kalau flu Spanyol adalah influenza biasa dengan nama lain. Sebagian besar komisioner kesehatan setempat mengikuti petunjuk tersebut. Surat kabar menggemakannya. Masyarakat pun percaya sehingga masih beraktivitas seperti biasanya. 

Hingga saat muncul banyak kematian dan tempat umum ditutup dan muncul larangan pertemuan publik, masih ada surat kabar yang menulis, "This is not a public health measure. There is no cause for alarm" (Ini bukan masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Tidak ada alasan untuk khawatir).

Hal ini menyebabkan kepercayaan terhadap otoritas hancur, terutama kehilangan kepercayaan masyarakat, bahkan kehilangan kepercayaan satu sama lain. Orang-orang bahkan terlalu takut untuk saling bertegur sapa. Beberapa orang mati kelaparan karena tidak ada yang mau memberi mereka makan.

Di tempat lain, yang pemerintahnya mengatakan sebenarnya memiliki pengalaman yang berbeda. Misalnya di San Fransisco, walikota dan pimpinan bisnis, buruh dan medis bersama-sama menandatangani iklan satu halaman penuh yang bertuliskan huruf besar, "Pakai Masker dan Selamatkan Hidup Anda," mengutip New York Times.

Meskipun saat itu mereka tidak tahu bahwa masker hanya menawarkan sedikit perlindungan, tetapi setidaknya para pejabat mendapat kepercayaan publik. Meskipun takut, masyarakat tetap berkumpul saling membantu. Ketika sekolah ditutup, para guru mengajukan diri sebagai pengemudi ambulans, operator telepon, bahkan pengantar makanan. Tentu hal ini membawa banyak perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik.

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March 31, 2020 at 10:00PM

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Blotter: 2 armed robberies and 1 shooting occur last week in Hyde Park - Hyde Park Herald

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Blotter: 2 armed robberies and 1 shooting occur last week in Hyde Park  Hyde Park Herald

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March 31, 2020 at 12:29AM

Blotter: 2 armed robberies and 1 shooting occur last week in Hyde Park - Hyde Park Herald
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Penularan Virus Corona Kini Terjadi di 32 Provinsi, Ini Sebarannya... - -

JAKARTA, - Penyebaran virus corona ( Covid-19) di Indonesia semakin meluas. Virus tersebut kini ditemukan di 32 provinsi.

Juru Bicara Pemerintah untuk Penanganan Covid-19 Achmad Yurianto menjelaskan terdapat satu provinsi yang sebelumnya tidak ditemukan kasus positif Covid-19, namun kini tim medis menemukannya.

Provinsi tersebut adalah Bengkulu yang mencatatkan 1 kasus pedana penularan Covid-19.

Baca juga: UPDATE 31 Maret: 114 Kasus Baru Covid-19 Tersebar di 16 Provinsi, Bengkulu Catat Kasus Perdana

Berdasarkan data, Selasa (31/3/2020) ini, total pasien terjangkit virus corona di Indonesia, yakni mencapai 1.528 orang.

"Hingga 31 Maret, tercatat penambahan pasien positif Covid-19 sebanyak 114 orang. Sehingga akumulasi jumlah kasus pasien positif Covid-19 sebanyak 1.528," ujar Yuri dalam konferensi pers di Graha BNPB.

Dari data tersebut, sebanyak 81 pasien dinyatakan sembuh.

Baca juga: Update Corona 31 Maret: 789.218 Kasus di 200 Negara, 166.441 Sembuh

Kemudian dari data yang sama, juga tercatat jumlah pasien yang meninggal dunia sebanyak 136 orang.

Berdasarkan persentase kasus kematian atau case fatality rate, Indonesia mencatatkan persentase 8,9 persen.

Berikut persebaran pasien positif Covid-19 di 32 provinsi:

1. Aceh: Total 5 kasus

2. Bali: Total 19 kasus

3. Banten: Ada penambahan 14 kasus, total 142 kasus

4. Bangka Belitung: Ada penambahan 1 kasus, total 2 kasus

5. DIY: Ada penambahan 5 kasus, total 23 kasus

6. DKI Jakarta: Ada penambahan 41 kasus, total 747 kasus

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March 31, 2020 at 06:05PM

Penularan Virus Corona Kini Terjadi di 32 Provinsi, Ini Sebarannya... - -
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Senin, 30 Maret 2020

Puncak Penyebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia Diprediksi Terjadi Saat Idulfitri -

JAKARTA, AYOBANDUNG.COM -- Peneliti Joko Hariyono memprediksi puncak penyebaran virus corona baru Covid-19 di Indonesia akan terjadi pada Mei hingga Juni 2020. Waktu puncak tersebut bertepatan dengan bulan ramadhan dan lebaran.

Peneliti asal Yogyakarta itu menggunakan metode prediksi berbasis konteks dalam menentukan periode puncak penyebaran corona. Hasil penelitian yang digunakan berdasarkan data harian corona di Indonesia per 21 Maret 2020.

"Dari perolehan data tersebut dihasilkan prediksi periode puncak terjadi antara 70 sampai 100 hari dari kasus pertama ditemukan," kata Joko dalam laporan hasil penelitiannya, Selasa (31/3/2020).

AYO BACA : Dinkes Kota Bandung: Corona Tak Kenal Korban

Berbeda dengan hasil prediksi dalam penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian kali ini mempertimbangkan beberapa konteks sebagai variabel deviasi untuk menentukan rentang waktu dari awal wabah Covid 19 terjadi di tanah air, hingga Indonesia dinyatakan sembuh dari wabah tersebut.

Konteks yang menjadi pertimbangan antara lain Inisiatif pemerintah dalam membangun kebijakan yang terintegrasi dengan seluruh daerah di tanah air sebagai Informasi Makro, kesiapan penyelesaian secara massif dan penegakan disiplin tindakan preventif untuk menekan angka pertambahan harian, sebagai Informasi pembatasan (restriction); serta internalisasi prosedur preventif oleh masing-masing individu, sebagai informasi individu.

Diperkirakan masa akhir penyebaran virus corona, jumlah kasus orang terinfeksi corona tidak kurang dari 10 ribu kasus.

AYO BACA : Warga Nganggur dan Kelaparan, India Tak Perpanjang Lockdown

"Faktor lemahnya penerapan ketegasan Pemerintah ini yang ditengarai peningkatkan angka
penambahan harian yang tinggi," ungkapnya.

Periode krisis diperkirakan terjadi pada rentang 40 hingga 70 hari. Dalam periode tersebut, angka penambahan pasien mengalami peningkatan yang cukup drastis.

Sementara itu, waktu penyembuhan diprediksi akan berlangsung lebih lama, yakni 120 hingga 150 hari dari kasus pertama ditemukan atau sekitar bulan Juni hingga Juli 2020.

"Lemahnya ketegasan pemerintah mempengaruhi sebaran kurva dan waktu recovery lebih lama," ucapnya.

AYO BACA : Jumlah Orang Miskin di Asia Timur Bisa Bertambah Akibat Wabah Corona

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March 31, 2020 at 10:48AM

Puncak Penyebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia Diprediksi Terjadi Saat Idulfitri -
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Puncak Penyebaran Virus Corona di Indonesia Diprediksi Terjadi saat Lebaran - - Peneliti Joko Hariyono memprediksi puncak penyebaran virus corona baru Covid-19 di Indonesia akan terjadi pada Mei hingga Juni 2020. Waktu puncak tersebut bertepatan dengan bulan ramadhan dan lebaran.

ASN di Pemda Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta itu menggunakan metode prediksi berbasis konteks dalam menentukan periode puncak penyebaran corona. Hasil penelitian yang digunakan berdasarkan data harian corona di Indonesia per 21 Maret 2020.

"Dari perolehan data tersebut dihasilkan prediksi periode puncak terjadi antara 70 sampai 100 hari dari kasus pertama ditemukan," kata Joko dalam laporan hasil penelitiannya, Selasa (31/3/2020).

Berbeda dengan hasil prediksi dalam penelitian sebelumnya, penelitian kali ini mempertimbangkan beberapa konteks sebagai variabel deviasi untuk menentukan rentang waktu dari awal wabah Covid 19 terjadi di tanah air, hingga Indonesia dinyatakan sembuh dari wabah tersebut.

Konteks yang menjadi pertimbangan antara lain Inisiatif pemerintah dalam membangun kebijakan yang terintegrasi dengan seluruh daerah di tanah air sebagai Informasi Makro, kesiapan penyelesaian secara massif dan penegakan disiplin tindakan preventif untuk menekan angka pertambahan harian, sebagai Informasi pembatasan (restriction); serta internalisasi prosedur preventif oleh masing-masing individu, sebagai informasi individu.

Diperkirakan masa akhir penyebaran virus corona, jumlah kasus orang terinfeksi corona tidak kurang dari 10 ribu kasus.

"Faktor lemahnya penerapan ketegasan Pemerintah ini yang ditengarai peningkatkan angka
penambahan harian yang tinggi," ungkapnya.

Periode krisis diperkirakan terjadi pada rentang 40 hingga 70 hari. Dalam periode tersebut, angka penambahan pasien mengalami peningkatan yang cukup drastis.

Sementara itu, waktu penyembuhan diprediksi akan berlangsung lebih lama, yakni 120 hingga 150 hari dari kasus pertama ditemukan atau sekitar bulan Juni hingga Juli 2020.

"Lemahnya ketegasan pemerintah mempengaruhi sebaran kurva dan waktu recovery lebih lama," ucapnya.

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March 31, 2020 at 10:45AM

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Gempa M 3,3 Terjadi di Luwu Sulsel - detikNews

Jakarta -

Gempamagnitudo (M) 3,3 terjadi di kabupaten Luwu, Sulawesi Selatan. Pusat gempa dikabarkan berada di laut.

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) melalui akun resminya @infoBMKG, menyebut gempa terjadi pada Senin (30/3/2020) sekitar pukul 19.36 WIB. Gempa tersebut terjadi di laut 14 kilometer timur Kabupaten Luwu.

"Gempa magnitudo 3,3. Pusat gempa berada di laut 14 Km timur Kabupaten Luwu," tulis BMKG.

Pusat gempa berada pada kedalaman 10 kilometer. Dengan titik pusat gempa 3,45 Lintang Selatan (LS) dan 120,49 Bujur Timur (BT).

Gempa tersebut dirasakan MMI II di Belopa, artinya getaran dirasakan oleh beberapa orang, benda-benda ringan yang digantung bergoyang. Belum ada informasi terkait kerugian dan korban dampak gempa tersebut.


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March 30, 2020 at 10:16PM

Gempa M 3,3 Terjadi di Luwu Sulsel - detikNews
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Blotter: 2 armed robberies and 1 shooting occur last week in Hyde Park - Hyde Park Herald

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Blotter: 2 armed robberies and 1 shooting occur last week in Hyde Park  Hyde Park Herald

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March 31, 2020 at 12:29AM

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Wright State: Nearly all summer courses will occur remotely - Dayton Daily News

Nearly all summer semester courses offered by Wright State University will be provided by remote delivery only due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the school announced today.

The WSU provost’s office said the measure is being taken because state public health officials anticipate restrictions on face-to-face activities will extend into the summer.

Exceptions will include clinicals, practicals, internships, and other types of field experiences, according to an email from Interim Provost Douglas W. Leaman.

Students in the school of professional psychology and the Boonshoft School of Medicine also are exempt from this announcement, Leaman said.

HEALTH: Flu and coronavirus have similar symptoms, different fears

Wright State “remains committed to providing students with a robust choice of courses during the summer semester,” according to Leaman.

“Student Success Services has put together a list of tips to help you get the most from your online courses, and we encourage students to frequent our COVID-19 Academic Service Updates webpage for information on remote options available for academic support.”

In each of these cases, students should contact the director or chair of the program to learn more details about their current status and to receive additional instructions, according to Leaman.

Summer A term and C term (full semester) begin May 11. Summer B term begins June 22.

Registration for summer courses is ongoing through WINGS Express. Courses in all three terms will be delivered remotely, with the exceptions noted above, the university said.

ELECTION: Records show Ohio Senate race money before coronavirus delayed election

“Please be advised that the situation remains fluid and that changes to the summer schedule may occur over the next several weeks,” Leaman’s email said. “If a course offering for which you are registered changes, you will be informed of the change by the department.

Students with questions about summer courses should contact their academic advisor, the department chair, or the faculty member teaching the course. You can find your academic advisor’s name by going to and following the instructions in the “Find Your Primary Advisor” section.

TAXES: Cities extend income tax filing deadline to match state deadline

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March 30, 2020 at 08:21AM

Wright State: Nearly all summer courses will occur remotely - Dayton Daily News
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Gempa M 3,9 Terjadi di Jembrana Bali - detikNews

Jakarta -

Gempa berkekuatan magnitudo (M) 3,9 terjadi di Kabupaten Jembrana, Bali. Pusat gempa diinformasikan berada di laut.

Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) melalui akun resminya @infoBMKG, menyebut gempa tersebut terjadi pada Selasa (31/3/2020), pukul 02.19 WIB. Gempa tersebut terjadi di laut 68 kilometer Barat Daya Jembrana, Bali.

"Gempa magnitudo 3,9. Pusat gempa berada di laut 68 Km Barat Daya Jembrana," tulis BMKG.

Pusat gempa berada pada kedalaman 70 kilomter. Dengan titik pusat gempat 8,93 Linta Selatan (LS) dan 114,44 Bujur Timur (BT).

Gempa tersebut dirasakan MMI II di Kuta, artinya getaran dirasakan oleh beberapa orang, benda-benda ringan yang digantung bergoyang. Belum ada informasi terkait kerugian dan korban dampak gempa tersebut.


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March 31, 2020 at 03:17AM

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On-campus commencement postponed, online ceremony to occur - The Rice Thresher


By Christina Tan     3/30/20 2:40pm

In light of ongoing COVID-19 concerns, an on campus commencement is postponed until further notice, according to an email sent by President David Leebron, Dean of Undergraduates Bridget Gorman and Interim Provost Seiichi Matsuda. There will be an online ceremony on May 16, according to Gorman, where graduates names will be read out loud. 

The announcement follows a March 15 email from Leebron, where he said an in-person commencement would occur, but it was unclear whether or not it would occur in May as normal. 

Leebron, Gorman and Matsuda said that the decision to postpone graduation comes after President Donald Trump announced yesterday that social distancing guidelines will stay in place until the end of April. postponed date depends on the development of COVID-19 and social distancing guidelines. 

“Based on all available information, including the announcement yesterday that national social distancing guidelines would be extended to at least the end of April, we now do not believe there is a reasonable prospect of holding commencement on the original date in May,“ they wrote. “As soon as this public health crisis has passed, we will announce and begin preparing for an on campus ceremony in our central quad to celebrate our Spring 2020 graduates.  We do not know when that will be, but we will provide ample notice.”

This story will be updated as we get more information.

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March 31, 2020 at 02:41AM

On-campus commencement postponed, online ceremony to occur - The Rice Thresher
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Jangan Anggap Enteng Pentil Ban Motor Hilang, Jika Dibiarkan Ini yang Terjadi - iNews

JAKARTA, - Banyak pemilik sepeda motor yang menyepelekan pentil ban. Meskipun kecil dan tidak terlihat penting, komponen ini punya fungsi sangat vital bagi kendaraan.

Pemilik outlet ban Visual Tire's Depok, Budi Sujdana mengatakan, fungsi dari komponen ini banyak seperti mencegah udara dari dalam ban keluar serta menjaga ban dari masuknya debu dan kotoran dari lubang pengisian angin.

"Banyak orang kehilangan pentil motor membiarkannya begitu saja. Padahal, manfaat pentil ban itu banyak. Makanya, jaga terus dan jangan sampai hilang," ujarnya, saat dihubungi, Senin (30/3/2020).

Budi juga mengingatkan agar pentil ban dijauhkan dari api karena bisa meleleh dan terbakar. Saat melepas pentil ban, harus berhati-hati karena teksturnya rentan rawan bengkok.

"Kalau (pentil ban) sudah bengkok, jangan memaksakan diri untuk dipasang, nanti bisa merusak ban," ujar Budi.

Menurut Budi, meski dampaknya tidak langsung terasa, tanpa pentil ban, kenyamanan saat berkendara sepeda motor akan berkurang karena ban sering kempes. "Sebaiknya segera pasang yang baru bila pentil ban motor hilang," kata Budi. 

Editor : Dani Dahwilani

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March 30, 2020 at 09:39PM

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Arthur Blank speculates that a 16-game season will occur - Yahoo Sports

Not long ago, the feasibility of a 17-game season was a topic of hot debate. Now, the question is whether a 16-game season is possible this year, given the coronavirus pandemic.

Falcons owner Arthur Blank, with all appropriate qualifiers, predicts that a 16-game season will be played in 2020.

“If I had to speculate now, and I use the word speculate because that’s really all it is, I would say yes,” Blank tells Peter King of Football Morning in America. “Only because it’s so far away from where we are today. I could easily see camps being shorter, players being tested on a daily basis, things of that nature. No fan attendance. Things like that. We may have fewer preseason games, which probably wouldn’t be the end of the world. But I think by September, my hope is by the time the regular season starts, that we’ll be able to bring people together in some form or fashion in a safe manner and play.”

There’s a lot to unpack in that quote. So let’s give it a try.

Shorter camps/preseasons: With no offseason programs and shortened training camps and preseasons, plenty of players may simply not be physically ready for football season. Some veteran players could be in greater danger of being cut than usual, especially given their salaries. Across the board, play could be sloppier than usual in the early stages of the season.

Players tested on a daily basis: This will require dramatic improvements in testing ease and efficiency. It also will lead to important questions about the fates of those who test positive. Will they be barred from the team? Will they count on the roster? Likewise, it won’t just be players who get tested regularly but coaches, trainers, and anyone who comes in contact with the players or the locker room. Once the virus starts to go through a team, it will spread like wildfire — and it could keep some teams from fielding a competitive lineup.

No fan attendance: It’s amazing how something that four weeks ago would have been inconceivable has become so commonly accepted. Given competitive concerns, however, if only one NFL team can’t play with fans present due to the extent of the outbreak in its home city, an argument can be made that no teams should be allowed to play with fans. Thus, it could become an all-or-nothing proposition, which given the current state of the situation suggests that nothing is more likely than all.

However it looks and wherever the games are played, the NFL will surely do everything it can to avoid pulling the plug on the season — especially if that means: (1) no revenue; and (2) an ongoing obligation to pay players. That’s why the league should be thinking of every possible scenario and planning for it, up to and including the extreme and impractical possibility of establishing and maintaining an oversized campus for all teams and critical personnel away from society.

“I do think we need football now,” Blank told King. “It’s hard to turn on any device you have today, almost any site, television, PCs, laptops, phones, without the first thing popping up being something on the virus. And that’s appropriate. However, I also think that people want a diversion. People want to be optimistic. People want to think about things that are really good times for themselves and their families and their loved ones and their communities. I think to have that kind of hope and aspiration mixed into your daily life is important.”

He’s absolutely right. Yes, team owners want football season so that they can make money. But they make so much money because football has become such an important part of the fabric of our shared American experience. They need football to be played, and we all need football to be played.

So, yes, they need to find a way for pro football to happen this year. Which means that they need to be making every possible plan for every possible scenario now, so that when more clarity arrives later this year, the powers-that-be will be able to come up with a viable strategy for getting games played.

Arthur Blank speculates that a 16-game season will occur originally appeared on Pro Football Talk

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March 30, 2020 at 09:03PM

Arthur Blank speculates that a 16-game season will occur - Yahoo Sports
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Tinley To See Final Inspections Occur At Long Beach This Week - The Deep Dive

The Tinley Beverage Company (CSE: TNY) released an update in connection with it’s much anticipated Long Beach, California facility this morning, identifying that the much awaited electrical inspection has been completed for the flagship facility.

Tinley Beverage Company's Logo

The inspection follows the completion of the install of much needed specialized electrical infrastructure for the facility, which now enables the company to get the final permits required for the licensing of the facility. Final building inspections at the facility are to occur later this week as a result.

As previously identified, the state of California has already indicated that the required conditions have been met to grant a manufacturing license for the facility, pending satisfactory municipal approvals from the City of Long Beach.

Concurrently, Tinley has also nearly completed the decommissioning of the Phase 2 bottling facility in anticipation of the launch of operations at the Long Beach facility. The company believes it has ample inventory that will be sufficient until the commissioning of Long Beach occurs. Meanwhile, the Phase 2 equipment is anticipated to be shipped to Tinley’s next target state to establish operations.

Additionally, the company has continued operations in light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, with cannabis being labeled an essential service in the State of California. Vendors have been stocked with product, including for home delivery, amid a surge in demand for cannabis products across the state. Given the stay at home order, its anticipated that the move will have a positive effect on smokeless variants, including edibles and drinks.

Similarly, the firms non-cannabis infused product line, Beckett’s, has remained in production due to being a grocery item. The product is currently on store shelves at over 150 BevMo! locations, and are currently slated for trials at a national warehouse-style chain, as well as a national grocery chain. Tinley intends to complete these trials as soon as possible. The Beckett’s line of product continues to be presented to buyers at retail chains across the country, with new listings to be announced as secured.

Tinley Beverage last traded at $0.22 on the CSE.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Tinley Beverage is a client of Canacom Group, the parent company of The Deep Dive. The author has been compensated to cover Tinley Beverage on The Deep Dive, with The Deep Dive having full editorial control. Not a recommendation to buy or sell. Always do additional research and consult a professional before purchasing a security.

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March 30, 2020 at 08:26PM

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FIRST ALERT: Rain moves in tonight and Tuesday - WBRC

FIRST ALERT: An area of low pressure is forecast to develop to our west and move between Birmingham and Montgomery tomorrow afternoon. The low will spread showers and storms into Alabama. Areas south of the low will have the greatest potential to see strong and severe thunderstorms Tuesday. Most of Central Alabama will likely remain stable with a very low severe threat. The severe threat is looking highly unlikely for cities like Hamilton, Cullman, Gadsden, and Jasper. Best chance for an isolated severe storm will likely occur in our far southern counties such as Greene, Hale, Chilton, Bibb, Coosa, and Clay. Areas along the I-20 corridor such as Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, and Anniston will likely see rain with a very low threat for a strong storm. The main concentration of stronger storms will likely remain from Montgomery and points to the south. Strong storms will be capable of producing strong winds, hail, and an isolated tornado. Best time to see stronger storms in the southern half of the state will likely occur between 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

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March 30, 2020 at 05:06PM

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NFL draft will occur in modified form in April - hays Post

MANHATTAN, Kan. – Kansas State will renew one of its oldest rivalries in the coming years, as the Wildcats have inked a three-game men’s basketball series with former conference foe Nebraska, starting Saturday, December 19, 2020 at the Sprint Center in Kansas City, the schools announced Sunday (March 29).

The three-game agreement calls for a road game at Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln, Nebraska on Saturday, December 18, 2021 and a home game at Bramlage Coliseum on Saturday December 17, 2022.

“This is a nice three-game series for us and a real win-win for both schools,” said head coach Bruce Weber. “(Director of Operations) Drew (Speraw) was looking for a neutral site game at the same time as Nebraska and it just worked out for both parties. We started with the game in Kansas City then added the home-and-home series later. With the shared conference history, the closeness of both campuses and our relationship with Coach (Fred) Hoiberg and his staff, a series like this just makes too much sense.”

The two schools, which played 219 games through five conferences (Missouri Valley, Big Six, Big Seven, Big Eight and Big 12), will reignite a rivalry that started more than 100 years ago with a 50-14 victory by Nebraska on February 19, 1906 and was last played at the Devaney Sports Center on February 23, 2011, a 61-57 Wildcat win.

K-State leads the all-time series, 126-93, including a 19-3 mark in games played in Kansas City. The 219 meetings represent the fourth-longest series in school history, following Kansas (293), Missouri (237) and Iowa State (231).

K-State will host Nebraska in the 11th Wildcat Classic at the Sprint Center in December, which will be the 23rd meeting between the schools in Kansas City and the first since a 62-58 win by K-State in the first round of the 2001 Big 12 Championship on March 8 at Kemper Arena (now Hy-Vee Arena). The Wildcats are 8-2 all-time in Wildcat Classic at the Sprint Center, including wins in 5 of the last 6 games.

This will be the first non-conference games between the schools since the 2001 Big 12 Championship. The teams played 7 times between the first meeting in 1906 and before Nebraska joined the Missouri Valley Conference in 1915. They also played 15 times in the Big Eight Holiday Tournament (1944-77) and 7 times in Big Eight/12 Championship (1979-2001), all in Kansas City.

The Wildcats have won 10 consecutive games against the Huskers in Kansas City, including a 7-0 mark in Big Eight/12 Championship play. The Sprint Center will be the third different Kansas City venue to host the matchup, following Municipal Auditorium (1944-73) and Kemper Arena (1974-2001).

Nebraska is led by a familiar face in former Iowa State player and head coach Fred Hoiberg, who is entering his second season in Lincoln. A two-time All-Big Eight selection for the Cyclones from 1991-95, he led Iowa State to 115 wins, four consecutive NCAA Tournament appearances and two Big 12 Championships (2014, 2015) from 2010-15 before leaving to become the Chicago Bulls head coach (2015-18).

The Huskers are coming off a transition year in 2019-20, in which, they posted a 7-25 overall record, including a 2-18 mark in Big Ten play with zero returning starters and 14 newcomers.

The Nebraska series is yet another exciting piece to the 2020-21 non-conference slate, which already includes home games with UNLV and in the SEC/Big 12 Challenge. K-State has also committed to play in the Cayman Islands Classic, November 23-25, in a field that includes La Salle, Miami (Fla.), Nevada, Northern Iowa, Ole Miss, Oregon State and Western Kentucky.

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Director for Men’s Basketball Communications | K-State Athletics

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